Five steps to work a miracle

“Only one simple prayer may cause a miracle”

About one year ago I was binging on YouTube. One of my favorite spiritual speakers is Gabrielle Bernstein, I’ve watched all of her videos. In one of them she speaks about the world would need more “Miracle Workers”. These words went right through my heart, they vibrated and resonated so hard, I could not ignore. This was what I wanted! For the first time in my life I knew what my purpose was: I wanted to become a Miracle Worker. But how? 

I went on a mission and found out that one of the spiritual foundations of Gabby is “A Course in Miracles”. The title already sounded very intriguing and mysterious to me. I immediately bought the book and started googling teachers in The Netherlands and abroad. 

Now, almost one year later I have finished an online course of Marianne Williamson, one of the world most famous teachers of A Course in Miracles. It totally shifted my view of how my mind (and I think most minds) works and gave me the insight that one simple prayer has the power to change a situation (and outcome) instantly.


Choose Love instead of Fear 

It boils down to the fact that we either think, feel and act from a place of love, or from a place of fear, worry, doubt, anger, resentment etc. The decisions we make and how we act from that place lead to the result of that specific situation. A Course in Miracles says: only love is real: “the opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite”. Meaning that fear often is an illusion and seems more real. 

The course says that a miracle is the shift from fear to love, which is a shift in perception.

I recently had a period where I was jealous, not trusting, not confident in my relationship with the love of my life. My thoughts were based on fear, fear of losing him, fear of him cheating on me in the future, and the list goes on. This is quite embarrassing for me to share this out in the open. However, if I can help only one person with my story, to me that’s a huge succes! 

Through all the spiritual lessons I learned, I knew this was a mind-fuck. Rationally I could explain how this works: I was literally (bio-chemically) hooked to the emotions of fear, in every situation I was looking for a confirmation for my deeply carved in neurologically pathway of him cheating on me (but in reality he never did). It became a serious problem in our relationship and I truly needed a miracle. 

The Course taught me how to ask for a miracle. So I sat down, put my hands in prayer position and simply said: “please help me God (universe, creator), heal my mind, I am willing to see this differently”.   

And I did started to see it differently. I created daily ritual to heal myself and to shift from fear to love and from insecurity to confidence. I changed my energy.


Five steps to work a miracle  

  1. Identify your not helping thoughts and emotions, by self inquiry in meditation or write them down in your journal.
  2. Go into meditation and prayer. Get very still to enter your subconscious where all your hardwired beliefs live. When still say a prayer, set an intention “Please help me, I am willing to see this differently”
  3. Write down what you do want to show up in your life. How do you want to feel, what thoughts do you want to entertain, what do you want to see in your life? Dream big here. If you get goosebumps, you know your doing great! 
  4. Play this amazing video in your mind vividly over and over again. Know that your inner world is more real than your outer world. What you think, you become. 
  5. Give thanks, for what you already have and for what you not already have.

I followed this process almost daily for about three weeks. I got up at 06:15 in the morning to pray, meditate, visualize and giving thanks. Within three weeks something amazing happened: what I have been visualizing turned out in reality! I’ve received my miracle! Our relationship got way more peaceful, harmonious and loving.

You can work this ritual for all situations in your life! You better start keeping miracle notes!

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Mystery of Portraits

It’s funny now how shooting a portrait was difficult and intimidating for me in the beginning. Now these are my favorite photoshoots since I’ve learned how to share emotions and happiness of the moment with other people.

Turn a Failure to Your Big Success

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you …

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true … Jiminy Cricket

Places that I love

Interior and exterior design has been my hobby for many years. An inspiring place like a new street caffe or small restaurant is a a place I go when I need to think on some new project and have my mind fully focus on it. What is your special inspiration source?


Summertime happiness

Living in eternal summer has always been my main dream. Turned to be not that fun when I gave it a try, but I still love it so much.

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